Anniversary of the savior of the Ivan Kotliarevskyi's museum

Ювілей берегині музею Котляревського
13-08-2024 | 16:00:00

 Yevgenia Storokha, a leading researcher of the Poltava Literary and Memorial Museum of Ivan Kotliarevskyi, is celebrating her anniversary these days.
 Yevgenia has been working at the museum for 46 years, starting her career as a junior researcher, then becoming the chief custodian of funds, and later a leading researcher. Over the years of professional activity, she has become an undeniable authority among museum workers not only of Poltava Oblast, but also of the whole of Ukraine. On the fragile shoulders of scientists is not only the study of little-known pages of the life and work of Ivan Kotliarevskyi, but also responsible work on accounting, protection and preservation of museum valuables.
 Having many years of work experience, Yevgenia Storokha is the author of a number of scientific surveys, tourist guides, art publications, television projects, etc. She is a regular participant in scientific conferences, round tables and scientific readings, thus popularizing the history of Poltava Region through the figure of Ivan Kotlyarevskyi and his creative work. And going on an excursion with Yevgenia Storokha is a unique experience: her noble and sincere style of narration does not leave anyone indifferent and causes real admiration.
  First Deputy Mayor Valerii Parkhomenko came to congratulate the birthday girl on her birthday and to thank her for her dedicated work.

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