Gratitude for charitable help that knows no borders and distances

 Вдячність за благодійну допомогу, яка не знає кордонів і відстаней
10-09-2024 | 14:00:00

    As part of the celebration of the International Day of Philanthropy, Poltava museum workers expressed their sincere gratitude to a great friend of all museum workers in Ukraine - the head of the NGO “Center for Assistance to the Arts of Ukraine - Kyiv” Iryna Nikiforova.
     In the context of Russia's open armed aggression against Ukraine, the issue of preserving the national cultural heritage is given full priority and constant control. The enemy is deliberately targeting cultural heritage sites, historical and architectural monuments, monumental and landscape art. According to the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy of Ukraine (hereinafter - MCIP), from February 24, 2022, to mid-2024, 1,062 cultural heritage sites were destroyed or damaged as a result of Russian aggression, of which UNESCO verified (confirmed) the loss of 431 sites.  The lion's share of the losses occurred in Kharkiv and Kherson regions. 
    Strengthening the material and technical support of municipal museums, diversification of funding sources by attracting grants and charitable assistance are extremely relevant in the current conditions of museum work. The issues of mobility, such as the rapid folding of expositions, and the safe and, at the same time, effective functioning of the museum under martial law, are financially costly.  The search for alternative sources of funding for the city's museum sector led to an acquaintance with Iryna Anatoliivna, a member of the public council at the MCIP, a member of the NGO Ukrainian Society for the Protection of Historical and Cultural Monuments, and the initiator of the museum initiative to respond to the preservation of cultural heritage during the war and its post-crisis restoration. 
     As an authorized representative of the non-governmental German organization “Heritage Rescue Headquarters” on the basis of volunteer initiative and charity, Iryna Nikiforova began her activities in March 2022. To date, through the NGO “Center for Art Assistance of Ukraine - Kyiv”, municipal museums in Poltava have received charitable assistance totaling UAH 1 million 185 thousand 730. (!) Among the material assets received: generators, laptops, power banks, dehumidifiers, fire extinguishers, charging stations, energy-saving lamps, special museum equipment (thermo-hygrometers, packing boxes, tubes, film, etc.). 
    In order to express sincere gratitude for her active public position and conscious constant support of the Poltava museum industry in the preservation of historical and cultural heritage,        Iryna Nikiforova was awarded the Mayor's Certificate of Appreciation and a badge.
    Special words of gratitude go to the German partners of the NGO, namely: Johannes Nathan, Kilian Heck, Klaus Hilmann, Matthias Weber, Olena Baul, and the coordinator, Maria Tomka. 
    Close cooperation with the Assistance Center is planned to continue in 2025.


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