The day after the Poltava battle (June 28, 1709), 1,345 dead troops of the Moscow army were buried. A large mound was built over the mass grave. In 1894, the mass grave of the soldiers of the Moscow army acquired the appearance it has now.
In 1907, a chapel was built in the middle of the mound in the name of the holy apostles Peter and Paul. during 1917-1918, it, like the museum, was looted.
In the 1930s of the 20th century, the crypt of the mass grave housed fuel and lubricants of the Pig Breeding Research Institute. Wall paintings, an altar, damaged waterproofing were lost due to improper use of the premises, the granite cross cracked at the foot and blackened with soot after a fire in the crypt part of the monument. The mound was partially restored in 1959. Capital restoration of the facility was carried out in 2009.
The mound on the grave has the form of a truncated cone with a height of 6.4 m. On this erected monument in the form of an octagonal cross made of light gray granite with a height of 7.5 meters. The cross rests on a granite pyramid, on the western face of which the original inscription is engraved: "Pious warriors, crowned with blood for piety, summer from the birth of God the Word, 1709, June 27." On the eastern side of the pyramid is an inscription: "Buried: Brigadier Fellenheim, Colonels: Nechaev and Lov, Lieutenant Colonel Kozlov, Majors: Kropotov, Ernst and Geld, forty-five non-commissioned officers, corporals and privates thousand two hundred and ninety-three, all buried . 1345 people". The monument can be reached by granite stairs. This is the only arrangement for the burial of soldiers on the field of the Poltava battle.
This is the only orderly burial of soldiers on the field of the Poltava battle.