The architectural complex of the Institute of Noble Girls (now National University "Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic” ) is an architectural monument of the first half of the XIX century, part of the Empire ensemble of Poltava. At the beginning of the 19th century, the wife of the real state councilor S.Kochubei, Paraskoviia, established a boarding house for twelve "noble maidens of the poor" in Poltava.
Girls of noble origin were admitted to the institute, later from the clergy and merchants aged 6 to 18. The full course of study lasted 7 years. Tuition was 150-400 rubles a year. In the first years, 15 students studied at the institute (one from each county). In 1832, according to the emperor's decree - 60 pupils. Then the number of pupils grew to 170 (1864) and more. In 1910, 209 students studied at the institute.
The founders of the institution bought buildings and land for the institute for 100 thousand rubles from the owner of the landlord S. Kochubey.